

〈Close to You 〉

半音階口琴:李讓 吉他:蕭芸安


  1970年代知名美國歌星,由理查‧卡本特(Richard Lynn Carpenter )和凱倫‧卡本特(Karen Anne Carpenter)兄妹二人組成的「Carpenters/木匠兄妹合唱團」之經典曲目。

  在A&M(Alpert&Moss)唱片公司的赫伯‧艾伯特(Herb Alpert)的堅持下,他們改編柏特‧拜克拉(Burt Bacharach)的歌曲〈They Long to Be Close to You〉,於1969年發行單曲《(They Long to Be)Close to You》,以凱倫溫暖輕柔嗓音演唱,在當時流行的迷幻搖滾之中,一舉拿下美國Billboard排行榜冠軍,且蟬聯四週之久,木匠兄妹終於大紅大紫。不僅抱走葛萊美獎,就連當時的美國總統尼克森也成為他們的歌迷。自此之後,木匠兄妹才順利地在流行音樂界闖出一片天空,一首又一首簡單清新的歌曲舒服自然地打眾大眾的心,直到今日,木匠兄妹

  在【十年 日記】中,將由李讓老師的半音階口琴搭配蕭芸安老師的吉他,重新演繹這首帶有爵士風味的名曲。






〈Close to you〉Lyrics    來源:網路

Why do birds suddenly appear?

Every time you are near

Just like me

They long to be close to you


Why do stars fall down from the sky?

Every time you walk by

Just like me

They long to be close to you


(*) On the day that you were born

The angels got together

And decided to create a dream come true

So they sprinkled moondust in your hair of gold

and starlight in your eyes of blue


(**) That is why all the girls in town

Follow you all around

Just like me

They long to be close to you


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